Little Bird – Ponsonby

Little Bird – Ponsonby

Mum loves Little Bird Unbakery!  Loves it!  I have been here quite a few times now, but it was before I was able to even eat anything, so can’t tell you about the food.

Mum says everything on the menu is raw!  She loves it so much she even bought the cook book! ha ha ha… cracked up as she never cooks!  She has made one thing the Choc Tarte from it which is a hit with her and her friends (not quite family….wasn’t eaten at xmas 😦 poor mum). The rest of the book is very pretty, and she will often get it out to look at it, but hasn’t attempted much of the other recipes as they are a tad too complicated for her.  doh.

The decor in this place is very trendy.  Brick walls are cool,and they have big bench tables.

I think they have a highchair, but the times we went mum used the Phil and Teds Lobster.  Some of the smaller tables are a bit squished together so hard for me to fit in.

The few times mum has been there, she says she is so full she doesn’t need to eat anything else for the rest of the day!  Crazy….. all from raw food??

I’m looking forward to trying this raw food thing next time…… hopefully won’t be too healthy! ha ha


imagesimagesimagesimages delicious and healthy food, not the most child friendly place though.

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