Gather and Hunt

Gather and Hunt

Probably not the best place for kiddies…….

I went today with mum, Jimi and her lovely friend Rachel.  I was really tired after swimming lessons, and just wanted to be in bed, so probably wasn’t the best time to go after all.

Gather and Hunt is a small cafe located in Silverdale.  It’s food philosophy is about fresh, healthy food, and it has a lot of raw food which is very cool these days (like Little Bird Unbakery).  Mum had their Winter Forage Bowl which consisted of cold roasted pumpkin, beetroot, spinach, sauerkraut, grilled chicken and a tzatziki mayo with sunflower seeds spread throughout.  She really liked it.  Jimi liked the pumpkin too.  Rachel had the mushrooms on toast …..i forgot to ask her how it was cause I was way too busy (more about that later).  Mum also had their raw ginger slice…..she’s addicted because it’s so yummy, and “healthy” she tells me! Mum tells me they also do good coffee.

I got a fluffy (but because it’s a healthy cafe….no marshmallows or chocolate for me! booooo….but probably a good thing in hindsight).  After my fluffy, I helped mum eat her chicken, I really enjoyed it, because I would eat the whole thing, regurgitate it onto the table and then eat it again.  I did this about 3 times, so it was like I ate 3 chickens!  yip…….I was that kid.  I had so much fun being raucous I put my fingers in my fluffy cup and smeared old milk all over the windows….so fun….then I found they had a toy box with some toys in it…I grabbed all of them and put them over the floor….even the staff had to pick up after me too and I didn’t notice they were grumpy about it at all.  13754651_663523183797118_844457701337718822_n

Lucky for me there was only one high chair I could see in the place and it was being used by another girl, so it meant I could destroy the surroundings in one foul swoop.

I screamed blue murder when I left though as I was having so much fun running around other peoples tables, i even made Jimi start screaming too.  Both of us in harmony like a screaming symphony being wheeled out in our double buggy.  Chaos is so much fun when you are two years and two months old.

Weirdly the staff seemed really happy when I left……don’t think I will go back there…..mum might ……but only if she’s alone to secretly enjoy her ginger slice addiction.




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